MEGAKEY... ngn menda ni megaupload akn jdik premium... just install jek... antara dua browser chrome or mozilla... dia detec t sndri... tp 2 pon kalo anda leh bukak megaupload la ya.... hehehe... cba la..
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Digunakan untok meng CONVERT file2 anda samada gmbor, Video, Lagu ke format yg anda gemari
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
FiLESONiC • 1LiNK + 500MB LiNKS 2609994491/ NMSHDPlatinum.11.0.15800-500MB. part1.rar 2609994441/ NMSHDPlatinum.11.0.15800-500MB. part2.rar
melalui benda ni korunk leh akses lptop kwn korunk ngan syarat dia pon ada bnda ni... amek id n pass ps2 leh la korunk msok lam lptop kwn korunk... ssuai d gunakan cnthnya bila lptop kwn korunk da prblm n jaoh dri korunk... so guna r menda ni... anda leh tgok eror laptop kw korunk... tp pstikan line laju ya... hehehe... (sesuai tok yg mahir merepair laptop)
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Dengan men INSTALL menda ni player function player anda akan bertambah... anda mampu mningktkan bass, treble ke thap yg lbih berbanding sblom ni n ianya juga wt player anda nmpk cntek dan anggun.. kui3
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Pernah kena ngan "VIRUS SHORCUT" ni???. msti rsa tension bila kena kn??. Hm... rmai yg bila kena jek virus ni pening x tau nk wt pape... last2 delete suma file... skunk x perlu lg... donload jek bnda ni n guna la ngn penoh syuman....
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Menda ni nk wt leppy korunk nmpk gempak r... leh pusing2 cm gambo kat atas tu... ps2 desktop korunk terbahagi pda 6 partition... leh wt wallpaper yg berlaenan kt cube tu... tgok r instruction k... bkn cube jek leh jadik, haaaa... leh jadik menda laen jgak, nk tahu??. donload la sndri dgn penoh syuman...
serial key
menda ni plak untok spa2 yg berminat dlam meneymak kn desktop anda... hehehehe... sila la cuba ngan penoh snyuman...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
nma pon 2012 mstila "da latest" tol x?. hehehehe... ok, sma gk cm tune up sblom2 ni cuma bawu n advance la n complete with patch... ssuai tok ssiapa yg menggemari bnda2 terkini... sila la donload ngan pnoh snyuman...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
nk tau ni menda??. meh nk kabo ke mike2 sume... menda ni nk genuine kn windows... spa2 yg wndows x genuine tu leh la guna menda ni k.... ps2 leh la kalo nk guna sfwre2 yg memerlukan wndows genuine cam essential D.L.L... sila la cuba ngn penoh snyuman...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
AMENDA PLAK NI??. msti korunk suma trtya2 smbil garu kpala kn?. x garu kpla??... habes, garu mna??. hehehe... ok2, menda ni korunk leh jdik kn wallpaper korunk ataupon screensaver... sma jek cm korunk set screen saver kt desktop tu cra dia cuma menda ni leh gerak n bermusic yg korunk leh setting sndri... jadik, wlaupon korunk pkai lptop zman firaun pon lptop korunk ttap nmpk realistik... hahahaha... sila la donload ngan pnoh syuman k...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
bnda ni kgunaan dia sma jek cm wndow 7 LOader sbb dia pon window 7 Loader gk... hahaha... 1st of all, (omputeh lak).. hehehe... mula2 ko donload, ps2 korunk extrct file cm biasa... pas2 right klik n run as administrator....smpai dia kuar cm gmbo kt ats tu.... ps2 korunk klik r jnama lptop korunk apa....
ps2 dia akn kuar cmni... then, korunk nmpk x tgah2 tu ada "install/remove loader" korunk klik c tu... tggu smpai dia restart ps2 korunk check la k properties... kalo x jdik gk korunk beli jek wndow baru k?. lg snang... hahahaha... samat mncuba ngn pnoh syuman k...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

benda ni guna masa korunk nk gabong file lpas donload ataupon korunk nk upload file scra free... biasanya had lam 200mb jek an?. so bnda ni leh guna tok cerakinkan file trsebot... fussssss.... ok, ps install tros leh guna... icon dia tnda 'btol' yg cm ckgu tnda bku skola bila btol ckgu wt tnda right tu... nmpk an... ps korunk klik dia akn kuor cm gmbo kt ats....
nmpok x ada join, split... kalo nk gbong file tkan join tu... ps2 dia akn kuar cm gmbo strosnya
haaaaaa.... nmpk x input file tu?. tkan jek smbil bca bismillah k... ps2 korunk browse jek file korunk, dia akn detect part one... cmna dia detect?. jgn tya aku... hahaha... ok, then output file x yah klik, jgn gatal tgn plak nk g tkan... tros jek tkan start... tggu r smpai siap... tggu pa g... guna la ngn pnoh syuman...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
HM............... spanjang aku guna pLayer ni x pnah g r ada yg xleh play ka pause ka... sound bisu ka... suma ok... tp yg 4.9 ni la... heheheh... pnah gk aku upgrade ps2 cntek dow... smart dh... wrna htm tp hampeh.. last2 aku guna yg ni gk... wlaupon ni bkn "da latest" tp ok pnya la... hehehe... sila la donload ngn pnoh syuman k....
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
ni amenda plak??. aduss... aku gk yg nk kena cita ya... hehehe... k2, bnda alah ni nma dia objeck dock kluran syarikat STARDOCK... bnda ni tok customize korunk nya desktop r... bg nmpk gempak2 g tu... pdahal wndon zaman paleolotik jek... hahahaha... k2, try r dlu... xpham msj jek aku... pm... sila la cuba ngan pnoh syuman......
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
yang ni n tau x menda??. tgok r wiki... hahaha... k2... ginie, menda ni tok memudahkan aktiviti meNYEDUT atau bhsa saitifik cm kalkulator saintifik tu men DOWNLOAD... dia auto detect bila korunk nk donload... ko setting jek kt option nk browser mna dia akn detect sndri... xksah la mediafire ka, filesonic ka fiel pa pe pon la k.. hehehe... haa, ni yg da latest la aku upload kn tok korunk... guna la.. bkn trial... da keygen g ni... tp tgn jgn gatal2 g tkan update plak ya... hehehe..k2, sila la donload ngn pnoh snyuman..
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it. Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners. Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware.
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

ha... nk taw x ni menda??. orait, ni pon tok mengempakkan player korunk... bila korunk play lagu dia akn search sndri lagu 2... tp, ada syarat... hehehe... apa??. xnk syart?. x leh wei... msok tndas pon ada syart... laki kena tnds laki,, pmpuan lak tnds pompuan... tol x?. hehehehe... ok, syarat nya korunk kena la o9 n kalo lagu tu tjok dh btol dia akn auto donload... tp kalo xda tu korunk search r manual... ps2 dia akan save... bila korunk play jek dia akan maen sndri... skali jek search... bleh wt mcm2... try la... donload la ngn pnoh syuman k....
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

Internet Explorer 9 features :
Windows Internet Explorer 9 (abbreviated as IE9) is the current version of the Internet Explorer web browser from Microsoft. It was released to the public on March 14, 2011 at 21:00 PDT.[3] Internet Explorer 9 supports several CSS 3 properties,[4] embedded ICC v2 or v4 color profiles support via Windows Color System, and has improved JavaScript performance. It is the last of the five major web browsers to implement support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).[5] It also features hardware-accelerated graphics rendering using Direct2D, hardware-accelerated text rendering using DirectWrite, hardware-accelerated video rendering using Media Foundation, imaging support provided by Windows Imaging Component, and high fidelity printing powered by the XML Paper Specification (XPS) print pipeline.
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
FFSJ: The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner
Very fast: FFSJ can optimize disk-cache and memory usage, this makes FFSJ 3-5 times faster than HJ-Split, WinSplit, MasterSplitter in both splitting and joining tasks. Of course, it is much faster than any compression program.
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Apple Quicktime Pro 7.71.1680.42
Final - Multilingual - Full
Incl. Serials DI
Released October 27, 2011
Incl. Serials DI
Released October 27, 2011
The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications work together to provide the industry’s first end-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system.
QuickTime 7 is Apple's cutting-edge digital media software for both Mac and Windows-based computers delivers unparalleled quality for creating, playing and streaming audio and video content over the Internet. Besides playing MPEG-4 and MP3 content, it supports timecode tracks as well as MIDI standards such as the Roland Sound Canvas and GS format extensions. It also supports key standards for web streaming, including HTTP, RTP and RTSP. Plus, it supports every major file format for images, including JPEG, BMP, PICT, PNG and GIF. QuickTime 7 features an ultra efficient new H.264 video codec delivering stunning quality at remarkably low data rates from 3G to iChat AV to HD.
New features in QuickTime 7 Player for Windows:
- H.264 video playback. Watch movies created with this state-of-the-art, standards-based codec, which delivers exceptional-quality video.
- Surround sound. With QuickTime 7, your PC, and surround speakers, you can enjoy the full effect of your surround sound game or movie.
- New and improved playback controls. Easily change settings including jog shuttle, playback speed, bass, treble, and balance.
- Zero-configuration streaming. QuickTime automatically determines your optimal Internet connection speed and reconnects dropped connections.
- Live resize. Playback continues smoothly as you change the size of the QuickTime Player window
New features in QuickTime 7 Pro for Windows:
- Create H.264 video. Create incredible-looking video for any use, from 3G for mobile devices to HD.
- Create surround audio. Create a rich multimedia experience by adding multichannel audio to your movie.
- Floating controls. Easily access functions like pause, play, fast-forward, and rewind while watching full-screen movies.
- Background exporting. Export your movie in the background and continue with your next playback or editing task.
- Improved movie authoring. The all-new Movie Properties facilitates simple and efficient movie authoring.
- Automate with VB Script. Automate your QuickTime workflow with native VB Script support in QuickTime 7. Developers can also use VB Script to access the new QuickTime Active X control for creating custom multimedia applications.
Compatible with: Windows XP / Vista and Win7 (32/64-bit)
Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc
Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2030.10 Final - English - Full
Incl. Serials CORE
Released: November 23, 2011
Incl. Serials CORE
Released: November 23, 2011
The functions of TuneUp Utilities 2012
TuneUp Utilities 2012: The all-around worry-free package for your Windows PC.
TuneUp Utilities 2012 provides you with a complete toolbox for optimizing Windows. Clearly structured tools in six categories get the best out of your PC. The tools are easy to use and intuitive.
Professional assistance for your Windows PC
Improve your system's performance, thoroughly clean up your hard drives, solve your PC problems with a few clicks, and customize windows to your personal requirements. All in one program, simple and intuitive - TuneUp Utilities 20112
10 fundamental reasons for using TuneUp Utilities 2012
* Powerful hard drive defragmentation
* Optimum start-up, Internet, and Windows acceleration
* Quick and extensive clean-up for hard drives
* Effective elimination of junk data
* Fully-automatic clean-up and improvement of your PC
* Extensive clean-up of the registry
* Effective help in solving standard Windows problems
* Secure data recovery and data elimination
* Simple custom Windows configuration
* Individual Windows styling
Fast, Effective Windows Optimization
* One-click overview of your PC performance
* Quick analysis of your PC’s hardware, operating system, and programs
* Real performance increases, real fast
* Easy-to-understand help functions
Safe Windows Optimization
* Provides you with safe and effective optimization results
* Corrects all mistakes created from previous tuning attempts
* Comprehensive and easy rollback ability for any changes made to your PC
Intelligent Windows Optimization Built in for Every PC
* Intelligent recommendations for your unique PC optimization
* Identifies your personal settings and protects them
* Highlights your PC’s optimization potential, including unused programs and resource-draining settings
* Recommends options and explains performance results before taking any action
Perfectly Designed for Your Windows Operating System
* Automatically detects and configures for your operating system
* Ideal for XP, Vista nad Win7 (32/64 bit) users
* Designed to leverage the unique features within each operating system
Compatible with: Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 ( 32 and 64 bits )
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa


Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.8 Portable
Adobe.Dreamweaver.CS4 Portable
Eyaahh.. Soft kali ini Merupakan Sejenis Soft Yg membolehkn anda mengedit2 Picture Yg Anda Suka... Agar mnjadi lebih Sedap Dipndang.. HuHuHu.. Cuba La Dlu Baru Tau!!!
Winstep Extreme 11.6
Hari neh Sya Share 1 Benda Yg Agak Menarik.. HuHuHu.. Nk Wt Desktop PC or Lappy Anda Menarik.. Tertarik And Mmg Da BooMMMm.. Try Software Neh.. Grenti Desktop Anda Nmpak Cun.. (Silap2.. Awek Anda Pn xCun Cmneh..)
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Avira Personal Antivirus 2012
Avira Personal Antivirus 2012 merupakan sejenis antivirus yg ringkas dan mudah digunakan...
Anda Mesti Mencuba Antivirus Yg agak Comel Neh... :)
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Avast! Internet Security 6.0.1119 RC ( + Crack until 2050 )
Avast! Internet Security menyediakan pakej aplikasi yang bertujuan untuk melindungi komputer kamurang daripada jangkitan virus atau ancaman malware yang lain. Selain dapat melindungi kerosakan komputer akibat serangan virus, risiko kehilangan data juga dapat dikurangkan.
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa

Iobit Game Booster V.3.1
Untuk Kaki2 Game Sedunia.. Software Ni bagus la Utk Korang...
Boleh Menjadikn Pc Anda RINGAN n BERTENAGA...
Cuba Dulu Baru Tau!!!!
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Arini Aku Nk Share SumeThing yg leh Buat Pc Korang Bertambah2 laju...
Aku sndiri Pn pakai Benda Neh.. Mmg TERBAEK!!!!
Cuba Dulu Baru Tau!!!..
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Total Video Converter + Keygen
Digunakan Untuk Convert Video Ke Apa2 Format yg anda mahu.. Versi Neh lebih stabil.. Yg Pling best.. Lebih Cepat N mAntap!! Cuba la Dlu Bru Tahu...
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Internet.Download.Manager.v6.08 Build 8+ Keygen
Okeh All.. Arini Sya Nk Share Tntg Bnda Neh.. Eh.. Xkn La xtau kot apa benda neh???
Ni Lastest Version.. Apa Kata Korg Cuba Dlu Baru Tau Camna....
(p/s- Jangan Tekan Button Update Ye..)
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
HuHuHu Lihat Dari Nama Software Neh.. Mesti Korg dh Tau kn Apa funtion Dia??
HuHu Ya betul.. Nk design Poster.. Kalau Anda Sorg Yg Kreatif Try La cuba Guna Soft Ni..
Cuba Dlu Baru Tau!!!
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Wooo.. Buat korang Yg ada Msalah Windows.. Leh La try Pkai Benda Neh..
Cukup Ringan Perisian Neh.. Tak Buat Pc korang Sangkut2 pnyalah..
Cuba Dlu Baru Tau!!!
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
Free 3D Video Maker
Ok All.. Hari ni sya akan Kongsikn perisian yg Amat Menarik N Mantap....
Dengan Perisian Ni.. You All Blh Buat Video 3D.. :) Cuba Korang Try2 Dlu Mana Tau Kot2 Tak Besh!!
(p/s- Nk G Beli Spek 3D jap)
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa
AntiCrash Full With Serial
HuHu.. Anticrash Merupakn 1 perisian yg Agak Menarik Laa..
Dapat Mencegah Masalah BLUE SCREEN kt Pc Or lappy Korg!!
Amcam?? Try La.. !!
LbeH sJoK drpDa BiaSa